Highfield Surgery

25 Severn Street, Leicester, LE2 0NN

Telephone: 0116 254 3253

We're open



New GP Extended Hour Appointments

We are having new GP extended hour appointments on alternative Saturdays at our own site, 25 Severn Street, Leicester, LE2 0NN. There are Healthcare Assistant or Phlebotmist appointments available.

Please call the surgery at 0116 254 3253 to book the appointments.

The majority of our appointments need to be pre-booked and this can be done up to two weeks in advance. Patient can choose either face to face or telephone with the clinicians.

Appointments can be booked in the following ways:

Online Appointment

We have now resumed our online appointment booking system for doctors appointment as well as our flu clinic on Saturdays.

Patients can now book appointments online through https://systmonline.tpp-uk.com if having registered for patient online access service. If you wish to register for this service or obtain more information, please visit https://systmonline.tpp-uk.com/2/SignUp, or contact us on (0116) 254 3253 or ask at reception. A member of staff will take your details and process the request. Once your unique username and password has been created, a member of staff will inform you to collect your details.

Please note if you have already registered for online repeat medication request service / already have username and a password, you can use the same login details to book appointments also. To book an appointment online please click here.


If you are unable to attend for your appointment or would like to cancel it, please do ring the surgery on (0116) 254 3253 to let us know so that appointment can be offered to another patient.

Emergency Appointments

Urgent cases are seen in the morning between 8:00am – 12:30pm, please ring our appointments line on (0116) 254 3253. Please note you may have to wait if the surgery is busy.

Out of Hours Information

If our practice is closed and you have a medical condition that cannot wait until the practice re-opens, then please ring our usual appointments line on (0116) 254 3253 and you will automatically be diverted to the Out of Hours service (from 6:30pm, weekends and bank holidays).

Telephone consultation

If you want to just have a quick consultation with the doctor over the phone then call back between 12:30pm to 2pm.

Access for the disabled

The surgery has a ramp for wheelchairs and there is also disabled toilet. as some consulations take place upstairs, it would be very helpful if you could inform the receptionist that the patient is unable to climb the stairs. arangements will be then made for the patient to be seen downstairs.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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