25 Severn Street, Leicester, LE2 0NN
Telephone: 0116 254 3253
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Cervical Screening (Smear) Service Available Flu Campaign 2024-2025 Starting 3 October Practice Closing Plan for Staff Training
Our Practice has recently joined the research programs of National Insistute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The NIHR is a non-profit organsation that funds research across a wide range of fields including public health, clinical evaluation, intervention development, health services and social care.
Our aim is to develop our service and enhance our patient care by engaging and participating in these research projects. All researches we participate have had ethical approval and directly related to specific study topics, which helps distinguish our research communications from other marketing activities. Only those related patients deemed suitable for the researches will be contacted. And also, patients retain the right to decide whether to participate or decline.
For more details regarding our practice currently enrolled study:
SWELL Study: A randomised controlled trial of a group CBT intervention for young people with parental depression treatment optimisation – Skills for adolescent WELLbeing
SELF-FRAX Study: Implementing improved fracture risk assessment in primary care to enhance capture and quality of self-reported risk factors in electronic health records in primary care.
If you do not wish to receive any correspondence regarding NIHR researches from our Practice, please complete the form below.