25 Severn Street, Leicester, LE2 0NN
Telephone: 0116 254 3253
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Cervical Screening (Smear) Service Available Flu Campaign 2024-2025 Starting 3 October Practice Closing Plan for Staff Training
The self-referral services available in Leicester are listed in the categories below. Contact information can be seen next to the service and you can click on the name to take you to their website and/or self-referral form.
This document provides information on changing your diet to help improve your health.
Live Well Leicester – 0116 454 4000 – livewell@leicester.gov.uk
Helping with managing your weight and healthy eating, With access and signposting into various programmes that can support you to increase your levels of physical activity including walking programmes across the City.
Diabetes prevention programme – 0333 577 3010
Providing tailored, personalised support to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. You’ll have the chance to learn about healthy eating, losing weight and exercising. This combination of lifestyle changes is proven to help prevent the disease.
Podiatry – 0116 225 5118
Podiatrists are highly trained specialists in the foot and lower limb, who treat a range of conditions. These may include: skin and nail problems, pain and musculoskeletal problems or foot problems arising due to some long-term health conditions.
MSK Physiotherapy Service – 0300 300 0046
The MSK (Musculoskeletal) Physiotherapy Service provides outpatient clinics in community hospitals and health centres across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and aims to help those who are affected by pain relating to muscles or joints or have limited function or pain following an injury, both for acute and chronic issues.
Midwife – 0116 258 4834
Midwives are key to your pregnancy care. Providing a wide range of specialist services here in Leicester delivering around 10,000 babies each year, at hospital and at home.
SHACC (Sexual Health & Contraception in the community) – 0333 332 4625
GP practices providing sexual health testing, contraception and treatment from local surgeries to preserve confidentiality and ease of access. You do not need to be registered at the practices to get an appointment.
Leicester Sexual Health – 0300 124 0102
Providing a range of free sexual health services in Leicester, from contraceptives to STI screening and testing.
British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) – 0345 730 4030
Leading specialists of abortion advice and treatment in the UK, taking care of almost 100,000 women each year in over 55 reproductive healthcare clinics nationwide.
MSI Reproductive Choices – 0345 300 8090
A global charity working in 37 countries to make reproductive choice possible, with abortion and contraceptive services.
The Orchid Clinic – 0116 258 5939 / 07867 528791
The Orchid Clinic based at Leicester Royal Infirmary has been set up to provide access for women considering / requesting a termination (abortion) of pregnancy.
Think ABC
There has been changes to the service since July 2023. For Patient instructionas and Recipt From, please visit Semen Analysis and Sperm Storage.
Turning point – 0330 303 6000
Providing drug and alcohol support, from detox and residential rehab to supported living and aftercare support.
Live Well Leicester – 0116 454 4000 – livewell@leicester.gov.uk
Live Well Leicester is fully committed to supporting out local communities in Leicester to become, happier, healthier and fitter by offering support for stopping smoking and manage your alcohol intake.
East Midlands Gambling Harm Service – 0300 013 2330
Providing specialist therapies, treatment and recovery to those affected by gambling addiction and gambling problems.
Early Help – 0116 454 1004 – early-help-queries@leicester.gov.uk
Early help services are for children and young people of any age and can be supported from all kinds of services and organisations who work together to support the family.
The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
LLR ICB has commissioned DHU Healthcare to provide a new self-referral website to support the mental health of children and young people living in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland.
The website is now live at https://www.myselfreferral-llr.nhs.uk and is aimed at children and young people under the age of 18, their parents or carers looking for mental health information, support and the ability to complete a self-referral.
Martin Reeves, DHU Healthcare’s Clinical Service Lead, will be holding a Q&A Drop-in Session on 9th May from 1230pm to 2pm. You can access the Teams session via the link.
Please see MySelfReferral GP Information Leaflet FINAL for our patients.
A range of other mental health support and help can be found in this leaflet.
The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Triage & Navigation Service – 0300 1000 409 – dhu.patient-experience@nhs.net
A service for young people under 18 who want help for their mental health, based in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Relate – 0116 254 3011
Relate Leicestershire is an independent charitable company with overy 80 years of experience and builds on the reputation of National Relate to deliver high quality relationship counselling services to adults, children and families at their time of need.
VitaMinds – 0330 094 5595
In partnership with the NHS, Vita provides talking therapies to local residents in various districts throughout the UK. It is a free service and you can self-refer to get help, no need to see a GP.
Harmless – 0116 309 0171 – leicester@harmless.org.uk
The centre of excellence for self-harm and suicide prevention.
Community Family Therapy Service – 0116 295 2909
Family therapy offers families the opportunity to discuss their difficulties and work together to find new solutions, enabling them to rebuild and reclaim their relationships.
LOROS Bereavement Hubs – bereavementsupport@loros.co.uk
The LOROS Bereavement Hubs offer drop-in sessions that aim to provide those who are bereaved with a place where they can access information, talk to others and share their thoughts and feelings.
Central Access Point – 0808 800 3302
Anyone needing mental health support for themselves or others can call this service on, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
OpCOURAGE – 0300 323 0137 – mevs.mhm@nhs.net
Mental health and wellbeing services available in the NHS for Reservists, Service Leavers, Veterans, and families.